Replay of
Creating a LinkedIn Profile That Attracts Clients

Watch the recording of our Live Workshop from February 29th:

Your LinkedIn Profile is just one part of the Coach’s Journey…

If you’d like to see the rest of steps and How Heart-driven Coaches Attract Their Ideal Clients On LinkedIn In 30 Days Or Less, attend our training this coming Tuesday:



Join us in a FREE 60-minute ONLINE Live Training.

You will discover:

  • The art of attracting high-paying coaching clients on LinkedIn in 2024.
  • An easy-to-use system for generating consistent lead flow of your ideal prospects.
  • How to let your unique coaching style build trusted relationships as you grow your business.
  • A clear path to smashing your financial goals in the next 30 days.

Plus, a Q&A session with Tina and Adrian to make sure your next steps are clear.

This Live Training is IDEAL FOR COACHES WHO:

  • Know their coaching business has huge potential
  • Don’t want to spend 2 years figuring out how to grow it
  • Are lacking a structure or strategy for growth
  • Want to make sure that any new process will be effective
  • Have big goals and want to achieve them faster
  • …but have concerns about not reaching the full potential of their coaching

Finding high-paying clients can be overwhelming for any coach, especially given the amount of other coaches and marketing noise online.

That’s why we’re hosting this 1-hour intensive Live Training, designed to give coaches clarity with an easy-to-use system for attracting coaching clients on LinkedIn in the next 30 days

During the live session, we will help you with any questions or blocks you have related to growing your coaching business on LinkedIn and how to move forwards.

Just register above to save your spot for this free 60-minute Live Training.




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