What is the Money Conversation?

Take a sneak peak at how to handle conversations around money when talking with a coaching prospect:

Sign up for our Free Workshop on Objection Handling

THURSDAY, Nov 16th @ 5pm UK / 12pm EST

If you liked the video above, Ryan will be sharing how to handle conversations with coaching prospects around money and more in our live, interactive workshop this week.

Reserve your online seat below:

This workshop is IDEAL FOR COACHES WHO:

  • Feel they are stuck and want to get online and build a 5-figure/month coaching business.
  • Have the knowledge and skills to grow their online coaching business, but there is just something holding them back that they haven’t yet been able to identify.
  • Are highly skilled at coaching but don’t have the knowledge to generate leads and create clients reliably.

During the live session, Ryan Mathie will help you with any questions or blocks you have related to growing your coaching business and will give you live coaching on how to move forwards if you are open to it.

Just select the upcoming date on this calendar and book your FREE 90-minute Workshop.

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Meet Your Workshop Host

Meet the Coach who will give you strategies that work in 2023 to scale your coaching business and who will help you break through anything that is getting in your way.

Ryan Mathie

Ryan is an author, coach, and expert in personal and professional development specialising in helping ambitious coaches build their businesses as the Co-Founder of High-Performing Coach since 2017.

With more than 20,000 hours of coaching, training & development, Ryan is a leading figure in the rise of new coaches in the industry and is regarded as one of the most highly trained and experienced coaches in the world.

“I’m on a mission to help purpose-driven entrepreneurs take the lid off their earning potential and make the difference they were born to make.”