
3 Reasons You’re Self-Sabotaging the Growth of Your Coaching Business


In this powerful Workshop, you’ll discover: 

  • The secret to growing your business that the coaching industry doesn’t want to share
  • The reason 82% of coaches are failing yet the coaching industry is booming
  • The one thing that’s missing from your business that will make you stand out and attract the clients you want

Click here to access Tina's brand new video on the strategy to create coaching clients in 2024:
Built on 19 months of testing and a multi-6-figure business it produced!

This workshop is IDEAL FOR COACHES WHO:

  • Feel they are stuck and want to get online and build a 5-figure/month coaching business.
  • Have the knowledge and skills to grow their online coaching business, but there is just something holding them back that they haven’t yet been able to identify.
  • Are highly skilled at coaching but don’t have the knowledge to generate leads and create clients reliably.

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Meet Your Workshop Host

Meet the Coach who will give you strategies that work in 2023 to scale your coaching business and who will help you break through anything that is getting in your way.

Tina Brigley

Tina Brigley is an Authentic Leadership Coach and Co-Founder of High-Performing Coach.

She’s worked with hundreds of coaches and entrepreneurs, helping them unleash their confidence as a business owner enabling them to grow a thriving business.


“Awareness is key and action is the lock. Put them together and magic happens in your business! Be the person other people want to do business with.”