Our Story

Ryan Mathie CEO

Bumped up against all the bumps and
blazed a trail! In 2017, and with 5 years of
professional experience as a coach working
with one of the world’s leading organizations in
personal development, Ryan decided it was
time to build his own independent coaching
business, and with little knowledge of the
coaching business industry, started charging
£50 per session.

He quickly realized this kind of business would take a lot of work to reach the vision he had set for himself, which opened his mind to finding a better way.

Almost overnight, his path lead him to work with Ritch Litivin, author of the Prosperous Coach, for little under a year in which time Ryan created astonishing results for himself and his new high-fee clients.

Always looking for better and more effective strategies, he tried it all from low-fee, big promise cookie-cutter programs to significant investments in marketing and paid advertising, all which yielded little to no return.

With a successful 6 figure coaching business, he continued to lean in on his learning process, taking his understanding of the coaching business industry even deeper .

At this point, Ryan began to attract more coaches, helping them to develop an unshakeable belief in themselves and become more effective in their coaching conversations…
Something was emerging……

Ryan Mathie

Meeting Adrian

Adrian Shiel High-Performing Coach

“I had wanted to build something bigger and knew I couldn’t do it my own, and didn’t want to either, so I opened myself up to the idea of building something great with a team. That’s when I met Adrian, shared my idea, and was excited to hear he had a similar vision and ambition.
It was an instant and perfect fit.”

Around this time, Adrian had launched his first group program to help people build their businesses.

Ryan was inspired and energized by their fast progress to building a group program, something he had wanted to do, too.

They discussed the possibility of working together, and in January 2019, they joined forces;, Ryan at the helm of the training and development of the program, Adrian generating the flow of potential clients, and all hands on deck with enrollment calls.

“I started to see a pattern on the calls and realized something was off with the niche., We were asking people to take a bigger leap than they were ready to take. We were having some success but
it wasn’t working. I had another vision of how it could all go and was certain it was a great fit, would absolutely work, and
could make a difference in the lives of our clients,.” said, Ryan

“I had wanted to build something bigger and knew I couldn’t do it my own, and didn’t want to either, so I opened myself up to the idea of building something great with a team. That’s when I met Adrian, shared my idea, and was excited to hear he had a similar vision and ambition.
It was an instant and perfect fit.”

Around this time, Adrian had launched their first group program to help people build their businesses.

Ryan was inspired and energized by their fast progress to building a group program, something he had wanted to do, too.

They discussed the possibility of working together, and in January 2019, they joined forces;, Ryan at the helm of the training and development of the program, Adrian generating the flow of potential clients, and all hands on deck with enrollment calls.

“I started to see a pattern on the calls and realized something was off with the niche., We were asking people to take a bigger leap than they were ready to take. We were having some success but
it wasn’t working. I had another vision of how it could all go and was certain it was a great fit, would absolutely work, and could make a difference in the lives of our clients,.” said, Ryan.

“I started to see a pattern on the calls and realized something was off with the niche., We were asking people to take a bigger leap than they were ready to take. We were having some success but
it wasn’t working. I had another vision of how it could all go and was certain it was a great fit, would absolutely work, and
could make a difference in the lives of our clients,.” said, Ryan.

Adrian Shiel & Ryan Mathie

In Porto, Portugal,

Refocused Our Business.

Through his vast experience in coaching, coaching coaches, building his own coaching business from ground zero to success, and with Adrians talent for marketing and building systems, Ryans’ vision was simple:

“Let’s show coaches how to create high paying clients;, let’s show them how to shift from passionate coaches to purpose-driven entrepreneurs, and lets bring personal transformation to them – show them all that and I know they will be successful.

All said aye, and it was in that moment HPC was born.
“We left Porto with a crystallized commitment to make
our business soar and never looked back.”

Through his vast experience in coaching, coaching coaches, building his own coaching business from ground zero to success, and with Adrian’s talent for marketing and building systems, Ryans’ vision was simple:

“Let’s show coaches how to create high paying clients;, let’s show them how to shift from passionate coaches to purpose-driven entrepreneurs, and lets bring personal transformation to them – show them all that and I know they will be successful.

All said aye, and it was in that moment HPC was born.
“We left Porto with a crystallized commitment to make
our business soar and never looked back.”

Maxwell Nee

“It Was a Slap in the Face but Also an Epiphany.

Ryan said it first. “We’ve got to connect with people, directly, reach individuals, and have authentic conversations. It’s the best way. Sure, it’s scarier than hiding behind a computer building landing pages, but it’s more powerful.”

The slap in the face became our new beginning.

We made a 180-degree pivot away from digital marketing
to old-school connections.

We also started coaching our clients to do the same thing.
That summer, we dove into our new “low tech, high fee”
process. We figured out how to scale it.”

Adrian Shiel

And in 90 days… We tripled our clients! 
But something else even more impressive was about
to happen and I could feel it;, it was palpable, challenging, exhausting, and exhilarating!

In our first year, we created over 90 clients. Their accomplishments through our training were astonishing. One of those clients, Tina, had gone went from creating zero clients to generating $100K within 5 months.

“We are really proud about our accomplishments so far and most of all grateful to our clients. They are the real heroes who decided, over and over to believe in themselves and go and create breakthrough after breakthrough for themselves, 
their business, and their lives.

Nina de Sausmarez

Nina de Sausmarez

Fancy logo, regular Instagram posts, brand-new website, business cards. Nina was doing them all, but was getting nowhere.

Another peer coach that she trained with was smashing it though. She found out that this coach was working with High-Performing Coach.

Nina, at that time was convinced that she could figure this out by herself and was very skeptical.
Looking back, this belief was costing her so much – her sleep, joy, time, and CLIENTS!

After some resistance, she attended a live workshop and felt like being struck by lightning.

The rest is history. She signed up to work with HPC and she became a different being. Her business thrived.

One day Ryan called her and invited her to join the HPC team.

It’s been 3 years since she joined us as Director of  Breakthroughs. Nina is now leading workshops and helping coaches break through anything that gets in the way of building a high-fee coaching business from the heart.

Meet the Team

Ryan Mathie

Ryan Mathie

I am a Personal & Professional Development Expert. I have worked with thousands of people over the last ten years and have over 20,000 hours of coaching and training experience. I am an Author, Mentor & Coach. I've built two successful coaching/consulting businesses since 2017. I'm on a mission to help purpose-driven entrepreneurs, just like you, to take the lid off their earning potential and make the difference they were born to make.

Adrian Shiel
Chief Technical Officer

Adrian Shiel
Chief Technical Officer

I quit my 9-5 job in Sept 2015 and have been working as a Digital Entrepreneur and coach ever since. I love the Personal Development World and I’m 100% dedicated to helping coaches, consultants, and service providers massively grow their businesses to make a positive impact in the world. I do this by doing the things I'm best at and love to do: Tech, Systems, and all things LinkedIn.